
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today I woke up feeling much anxiety, not knowing where it's stemming from but I do know where it's going and that is "away from me". I know my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth and He won't allow anything to disrupt my good life He's given me. I just have to pull on my confidence cord and ring for service.
So many things we encounter that hinder our health are actually preventable if we take better care of the temple God gave us, starting with eating better and  making better choices. Yeah! you got it, I'm speaking to me and possibly to you if you're not feeling your very best right now. Let's start a campaign for perfect health. If we believe the word of God concerning our health and well-being, then we can live a life others only dream of living. Starting today, my mantra is "living life on the edge of perfection", what's yours?


Daughter, Sister, Author, Friend said...

Oh, you INSPIRE me! Let's get our exercise on - tonight or in the morning.

Cheerful said...

Oooooweeee! I can feel ya, sista! Feeling good may begin with the physical, natural body systems being in proper balance and alignment. That good feeling doesn't last long no matter what you do. We're in a spiritual fight to win, dontchaknow! What's funny is that this spiritual fight is fought in the flesh. Spiritual attacks invade the realm of the physical and soul (mind, will, intellect, imagination, emotion). Man is tripartite. To be whole and enjoy optimum joy is to go beyond "feeling good" to "being Super-naturally great!" You wake up exuberant and alive in your spirit with power turned on and tuned to direct the activities of the mind and body. I AM is controlling the outcome of this day!!! Greater is He in me than He that's in and of the world system. I AM the embodiment of the joy of the Lord. I AM whole! I AM blessed to be a blessing! I AM manifesting the mind of Christ by who I AM! I AM who and what The Word says I AM! Oh Hallelujah! All things out of alignment come into alignment at my word. All praise to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.