
Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Gainesville athlete who collapsed dies overnight

Sarah Landauer collapsed at her track practice on Monday.

Published: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 8:40 a.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 8:40 a.m.
The Eastside High School athlete who collapsed earlier this week died overnight.

That's just one more teen death, untimely to say the least...TOO MANY!!!
Does anyone feel what I feel, that there's absolutely too much death and dying and killing lately? I feel a bit overwhelmed right now. Within the last year there've been friends, friends of friends, friend's families, passing away in record numbers. I've hardly gotten through one death when another is announced. Just this morning, I found out that a friend's mom passed  away a few weeks ago and as usual it seems I just saw her. The transition from life to death is so quick. As someone dear to me recently said "Stop this train, I wanna get off now." Let's pray for a little reprieve, time to sort out our lives, relish the important things, hold on to our dear ones with all our might.

 I do know Jesus loves us and feels our pain. God designed us to get over death and realize that life goes on even when we think this terrible time of bereavement will never pass.

May we rest in knowing that JOY comes in the morning...which morning , I'm not so sure, but it WILL come.

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