
Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Again

How quick it seems Friday comes when it's actually slow it comes when it's Sunday night!
Why is that? I look so forward to Friday and then the weekend disappears like a flash and I can't help but wonder where did it all go, did someone steal it or did someone lull me to sleep and suddenly wake me up on Monday morning and scream" GET YOUR BUTT UP". I'm at that point of seriously needing a vacation overhaul, rethink my plans or just make some new plans. It's Fall and time to enjoy everyday and I am especially enjoying the mornings....the cool breeze, fresh smells and kids going off to school. Makes me want to stay home and bake something yummy. Today would be good because it's FRIDAY and I'm ready to call it a day, although it's not done with me yet--it's only 10:am and Friday is just gettin started baby. It's got more for me to do before I can bake.
As you can see, Friday calls the shots, but I'm thinking about taking over (shhh).


Anonymous said...

Thanks God it's Friday!!! I think you should have Fridays, everyday, and a vacation each weekend. You seem very creative, I bet you could make that happen if you put your mind to it. And when you do...teach me!

Lovelyfaces said...

You are sooo funny. But that's not a bad idea. If I think hard enough, I can come up with some way of alleviating the stress and pain of the 40 hr work week by squeezing the work into one guessed it---Friday.
I'm on it.