
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Friday Eve

In this crazy global world we live in, where can one go and hide, get away from those irritating, care-less, selfish people who don't really share any likeness to us ? Is there somewhere to hide from or run to so you won't have to deal with them?  Since Facebook and other social media have erupted and disrupted all common thinking and folk share just about everything whether true or not, I'm not sure.
Check me out tomorrow, we know what day it will be, right?


Daughter, Sister, Author, Friend said...

As a recovering control freak, I have been learning to run to Jesus and to run to Him more often, and PRAY! I can't control the crazies in life and I no longer desire to. But I can pray for them, and love them even when I don't like their actions. That's a biggie for me! I can love them even when I don't care for their actions! People are a part of my purpose in life so I can't isolate from them but I will not let them change me into that old someone I used to be. It's a waste of my energy...looking forward to what you have for us this Friday!

Lovelyfaces said...

You are so on it, girl. I feel you. I'm learning a lot from your comment. I will not allow these people to rent any space in my head for any length of time, but as I reside in this world and have to contend with some of their craziness, I must learn how to deal in a manner befitting a child of God.
Loving them is easy, living with them is somewhat challenging!
Friday, be good to me!!!

Daughter, Sister, Author, Friend said...

Haha! "Loving them is easy, living with them is ...challenging!" So true! I like the way you write and with such honesty! Keep telling the truth. We need it!