
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Time Flies

The term "time flies" is often referred to having fun but I'm watching time fly even when there's no fun happening at all.The fact that time has picked up speed is an indication of the times in which we live in. Technology has changed our world and our life and the way we live it. Time saving is all the buzz but I sometime get less done with all the extra help I'm supposed to have.
Let's be honest, you get on Facebook at 9:pm and what time do you get off? You check your emails and get side-tracked by other downloads and find yourself several hours later hungry because you haven't cooked, no clean clothes because you forgot to do laundry, and what about that  book you started over a month ago? It's like the more we have to play with, the less we have time for reality and the things we still have to do to maintain our lives.
Seems to me technology has a lot of cons as well as pros, huh?
Until later...

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