
Friday, January 21, 2011


Well... here tis, it's Friday and I'm back as promised.
Today, something is seriously bothering me, that being the senseless and untimely deaths of our young men, especially our young Black men. What's up America and Christian community? We need to be about our forefathers and our Heavenly Father's business...saving people, not losing them. We are in fact losing them...too many. Recently it touched home with someone close to my family being gunned down in a bowling alley parking lot. He was a son, a grandson, nephew, a brother, and surely he was someone's friend. He meant different things to several different people, right? Which in my estimation means several deaths at once.
Let's get busy and begin to mentor, pray, form small groups that teach mediation to these kids, so they understand that after you kill someone, you can't be friends later on or undo the death...the opportunity is Forever Gone.
Humanity is NOT dead, so let's show some.Think about it , be about it and have the greatest weekend yet!!!


Daughter, Sister, Author, Friend said...

Linda Lovely,

You consistently hit these matters of the heart straight on. This is a poignant posting about the only thing that really matters in life - LIFE! Just ask my cousin who lost her son, or my uncle who lost his grandson, or any of the other people affected by the death of a child.

My sincerest hope is that many people will read your blog and decide to be "about" the solution through a combination of prayer and works! As you suggest: mentoring and forming small groups "that teach mediation to these kids, so they understand that after you kill someone, you can't be friends later".

Thanks for posting this and encouraging those of us who remain to take positive action to prevent the untimely deaths of America's young black men. They belong to us all.

God bless,


Lovelyfaces said...

Thanks for your comment. I do hope this message gets out to all who care what happens to our kids, as they say "they are our future". The question is "Do we want one?"
Sitting idly by and thinking it will just magically happen is not the ticket for this ride, resolution will only come when we become proactive.