
Sunday, April 17, 2011


I'm singing 'the HAPPY song",  you guessed's Friday.My favorite time of the week, hoping it will stay longer this time. It's a day in training...soon it will know how to last and make my weekend longer or maybe I should just plan better.
Tomorrow I plan to go shopping for a possible Easter outfit---haven't done that in forever and think it's time to look good again, after all I'm on the market. lol. I may check out the Library of Congress display, it sounds interesting to a scholar such as myself. Then I'd like to pop some popcorn, relax and watch a movie until my prayer time at 8:30pm.
I plan to stretch my weekend till it pops.
Forgot to edit and post on Friday, now it's almost over, time to go to bed and start all over again...wishing for my sweet FRIDAY again.
Until later...

Friday, April 8, 2011


You guessed it, it's Friday and I AM BACK!
I'm just excited about life how God operates in my life. All things work together for my good because I love Him and I'm called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28).
Planning my weekend is usually simple because I find by Friday I'm a bit exhausted from the week and really DON'T want to do anything that requires putting on makeup or doing a wardrobe search for clothes that might fit me. (Yawn) I'm getting a bit tired just thinking about it. So I'd like to think "rest", "relaxation", and "snacks" would make my weekend better.
However I decide to spend this weekend, it won't be at the JOB. I'll be Home Sweet Home unless I decide to do differently. At least it's MY choice. Right?
Need me some R&R.
Until later...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Corporal Punishment

LAKEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — The mother of an 8-year-old boy pepper-sprayed by suburban Denver police as he threw a violent tantrum at his elementary school said Wednesday that she wishes authorities had chosen to talk him down instead.
Police in Lakewood say they pepper-sprayed 8-year-old Aidan Elliott twice Feb. 22 at Glennon Heights Elementary School after he refused to drop a piece of wooden wall trim that he was trying to stab them with.
"I wanted to make something sharp, like if they came out, 'cause i was so mad at them," the boy said on NBC's "Today" show. "I was going to try to whack them with it."
The Associated Press: Colo. police pepper-spray misbehaving boy, 8
What do you think of that? This little kid could really do some damage with a sharp instrument, why not protect yourselves? I know I would. With all the craziness in our world today, does it matter if you're stabbed by a kid or an adult-- you're still stabbed. I feel for this mom because I am a mom and it's hard to see your own kid as a potential murderer or felon, but be very clear, every murderer is someone's kid.
I believe in the "old school" way of discipline, a little whack to keep 'em straight or let them know you mean business. So much authority has been taken away from the teachers/parents that respect is minimal and the kids don't fear the consequences of their actions. What do you think???